Partnership Projects

Family support center
21.12.2016We want to support foster families, adoptive families and families with children with psycho-emotional, sensory, physical and intellectual development issues through professional assistance based in biblical values.

Evening worship services
21.12.2016We would want the help from the church in Oklahoma to plan and make a more appropriate and nowadays style Sunday worship service with new ideas, practical service elements, technology introduction for younger generation and middle age people.

CD and a song book with 15 songs
21.12.2016We would like the children to have the Word of God deep into their hearts. To have the word deep into the heart, the first step is to know it. And to know it by heart. One of the best ways the children memorize is when rhythm and music is added.

Workshop For Teens
21.12.2016We want to create opportunities for teenagers to talk about spiritual values and the important questions of life. The workshop could also be a place in Jelgava where boys from city with their fathers could spend Saturdays together.

21.12.2016By implementing this project church seniors would have the chance to enjoy equal opportunities and to decrease their worries about health and other problem situations in their lives.

Publishing of Theological and Teaching material
06.12.2016There is a lack of theological literature and study materials in Latvian language. Right now, only devotional literature is available.

Youth Ministry Development and Full-time Youth Pastor
02.12.2016 / Youth MinistryOur church is looking for the ways to support full-time youth pastor position. His responsibility would be to organize youth work, build a team in Ogre, help to develop youth ministry in Lielvarde and Rembate raising new youth leaders there.

Remodeling of the church backyard and Outreach events for youth and children
28.11.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Evangelism / Community Service Projects / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentChildren need a place where they can simply play a ball and communicate with each other. Why it could not be our church backyard? Youth need the place outside the building because inside there are no places for some activities.

Developing the Teenager and Youth ministry
28.11.2016 / Youth Ministry / EvangelismThere is a growing number of teenagers and young people in our church, therefore, it is of essential importance to develop a teenager/youth ministry in the church.

Youth Ministry Camp Projects
13.11.2016 / Youth Ministry / Evangelism / Church PlantingA lot of young teens spend their summer/winter holidays very uselessly, because their parents are at work and cannot spend time with them. We could invest in them, their spiritual growth, if they would be able to participate in these camps.

English Day Camp and Fixing up the Church yard
28.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Evangelism / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentThrough the lessons and activities of English camp, build relationships with the kids and share the gospel with them. We would want to fix up the church yard so that those who come would have a pleasant and safe experience as people enter the church.

Orphan Ministry Start in Latvia
25.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Community Service ProjectsProject purpose is to start orphan ministry in Latvia in totally different level. Our goal is to envision the churches to understand the plight of Latvian orphans and their responsibility to get involved in resolving this social problem.

Coordinator of youth/teen missional work
23.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Church PlantingTo continue work with teens after camps, to coordinate different meetings, trips and developing relationships with them, we need a coordinator of youth/teen missional work.

08.10.2016 / Youth Ministry / Pastoral LeadershipBPI DRAFT is summer camp for teenage boys age 13-19 with purpose to recruit and train future pastors and church planters.

Neighborhood BBQ to Reach Unchurched People
02.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Evangelism / Community Service ProjectsEvery year we try to make a larger neighborhood BBQ with the purpose to reach out to new people and establish new relationships. The goal is to show them that the Gospel isn’t just for “people in church” but that His love can also be very practical.