Added: 08.10.2016

By Baltic Pastoral Institute
BPI DRAFT is summer camp for teenage boys age 13-19 with purpose to recruit and train future pastors and church planters. We are doing BPI DRAFT camps since 2009. Every summer we have 2-3 camps. We already see good results - after camp boys get more involved in ministry. Because of BPI DRAFT camps young men get involved in ministry, becoming pastors and church planters.
Ministry outreach/mission goals and strategy
BPI DRAFT camps are divided in 3 levels. In the first level we give foundations: what is the Gospel, what does it mean to be Christian men, how to live in the Gospel, how to proclaim the Gospel and how to discover calling? To help boys better understand the truth that we want to communicate we are using all kind of activities (mostly physical) with good quality feedback. We are also doing teaching and split boys in small groups where they can deeper discuss what they learned and experienced. We discovered that this is the best way how boys are learning.
In second level camp we teach about mission. We spend two days at the camp, train boys and then we go and do ministry usually in place where we are planting church. It gives good experience and they learn more what it means to be on mission. Also they experience teamwork because everything they do they do as a team.
In third level camp we invite those boys who have finished first two level camps. They need to recruit the team. The team is usually from local church - at least 3 people.
In this camp we not just teaching about mission but also about what it means to be part of the team and lead the team. Then we send those teams on mission. We as camp leaders are mentors. Everything on mission is done by the teams and responsible for all that are leaders of the teams. They need to develop daily schedule, plan the budget, delegate and oversee the mission projects. Mentors are always with team by helping, following up and giving feedback. It is like Jesus was training his disciples on the way.
Very important role in the all camps plays relationships. That’s why to the camps we invite leaders from churches - pastors and church planters. They are leading activities, helping organize camps, teaching and building relationships with participants. After each camp we provide mentoring.
Description of project
We need BPI DRAFT camps because today in Latvia there is luck of men’s involvement in churches. We also see big need to rise up and train new leaders. BPI DRAFT camps helps us to cast the vision about church planting and church renewal and recruit future leaders.
Purpose of the project
Sharing about BPI DRAFT camps in other countries we have seen that church in other countries are facing the same challenges we have in Latvia and they agree that something like BPI DRAFT camp could be one of the solution to recruit future leaders. The best way to learn about BPI DRAFT camps is to experience it on live. That’s why we decided to invite international guests from other countries.
We would like to invite church planters, youth leaders and youth from your churches to come to Latvia and learn more about BPI DRAFT camps and establish relationships with youth and church planters from Latvia.
Tasks, stages, steps that have to be taken in order to realize this project
1. Recruit potential church planters, youth leaders and youth from Oklahoma Baptist churches who would like to learn more and experience BPI DRAFT camp. The church planters and youth leaders should be interested in develop something similar in Oklahoma.
2. Attending BPI DRAFT camp. During the camp church planters and youth leaders will get high quality training about organizing DRAFT camps in English.
3. During the camp international guest will not just learn and experience the values of the camp but also will connect and establish relationships with youth and leaders from Latvia.
4. After the camp international guest will have chance to visit some of the church planters who has been also involved in BPI DRAFT camps.
How many people on collaboration team would be necessary for implementing this project
Maximum 10 people
Roles/tasks of collaboration partner team
1. Participate, experience and observe the camp.
2. Be part of the training to better understand how BPI DRAFT camp works.
3. Get connected and establish relationships with youth from Latvia.
4. Be willing to visit and spend some time after camp with some of the church planters who has been in BPI DRAFT camps.
The budget for the one BPI DRAFT Camp
The budget for one BPI DRAFT camp is 4000$. We are asking participants to pay fee for the camp which is usually lower than actual expenses. Besides that not every participant and church is able to cover even that fee. We want to make sure that those who need to be in the camp have chance to be in the camp. That’s why we are raising support in order to give opportunity everyone who is qualified to be part of the camp.
The way how Oklahoma churches could be part of that is by sending church planters, youth leader, youth and supporting one of the BPI DRAFT camps finically.
We will provide
1. Full BPI DRAFT camp experience with translation in English.
2. Accommodations and meals during the camp.
3. T-shirt with BPI DRAFT logo.
4. Transportation during the visit in Latvia.
Responsible for the project
Kaspars Sterns
kaspars.sterns@lbds.lv, mob. +37126554780