Reaching the Outcasts in the Society
Added: 18.02.2016
Reaching The Outcasts In The Society
By Liepaja Zion Baptist Church
About us
We are relatively conservative Baptist church. The majority of us are seniors, we do have youth, but there are not a lot of middle-aged people. There is a strong inner solidarity among the church, but we do look for chances to serve outwardly. The church is praying for the pastor’s ministry and the poor, as well as supports a missionary in Sweden. There is a soup kitchen running, and our youth gladly takes part in various projects and serves from the heart.
We are located in one of the biggest SW cities in Latvia, at the seaside. There are around 70,000 inhabitants, but the number is decreasing rapidly since our industrial leader “Liepaja Metallurgist” recently went bankrupt. The church can be found in the heart of a rather poor area of the city, not for from the city center.
The need is helping the homeless, reaching the outcasts in the society
by testifying of Jesus Christ and building personal relationships, helping the people to see the meaning in their lives. Baptizing, involving them in the church and seeing changed lives. Strengthening the church belief of the need for mission.
Planned, desired time for realizing the project
1 week, preferably in the beginning of fall. Should be specified with the collaboration team.
Roles/tasks of the collaboration team
For realizing this project the collaboration team could be approximately 5 people, but we are ready to take in as many people as you find necessary.
The team would help by buying food, visiting the homeless in the night shelter daily, proclaiming Christ. Testifying of Jesus Christ, celebrating with the church at the end of the project, sharing the mission on Sunday mornings.
Expected budget of the project
Food - approx. 3,000 euros.
300 food packages, 10 euros each.
The church people would participate in buying the food, sorting it into packages, providing transportation to the night shelter.
Person from our church responsible for realizing the project - Pastor Andris Bite;
Liepāja Zion Baptist Church
Liepāja, 62 Lāčplēša Street, LV3401; phone:+37128452452;